Our rare Holocaust and World War II memorabilia collection is truly museum-quality, thanks to generous donations from our military community and individuals dedicated to preserving precious Holocaust artifacts. Many items in our collection have never before been seen in a public museum, including a rare Holocaust dress with an X on the back that Sandra’s grandmother wore, a Nazi flag donated by Helen Sprigg Tracy (secretary to General Patton), a collection donated by William Tillford’s grandson, Tom Tillford of Coronado, extremely rare Nazi dolls, a Zyklon B canister, aspirin from Auschwitz, and a complete uniform worn by #6562 Mr. Franz Louma from Buchenwald, among many other significant pieces.

Please contact us if you are interested in donating any World War II items or Holocaust artifacts to help preserve this important history.

Sandra is available to showcase the collection by appointment, and she periodically rotates the exhibit items to ensure a fresh and educational experience.